"The next tests will...
-use sealed timber and less ink retarder with longer drying time; see if this prevents any of the ink from rubbing off.
-use spray varnish over the print + see if this makes any difference in retaining the detail"
Comparing spray varnish to raw timber.
Left: spray varnish test. Right: GAC varnish (on top of ink.)
Left: GAC varnish underneath. Right: spray varnish on top.
Difference in surfaces - compared to original trap
Testing different inks and colours on raw timber. Top left is Aquaprint ink, bottom left is live to print (eco-friendly) ink - magenta; right x3 are live to print magenta+yellow (red mix)
The first shade of green was representative of the slightly dark / earthier shade of edamame beans.
Struan suggested I use a more fluro / toxic shade of green to get this message across.
Re-shaping and sharpening all the staples (such a process):
While hammering the pieces together, and trying to make sure the contraption worked, I ended up trapping my fingers by accident. God it hurt. But I was really happy that it worked!
For the 'Food?' show, I displayed the red ones. The logic was that conventional red made them invisible. You have to look twice…
The works on subtle display in the corners of Projectspace:
All four traps (one corn, 3 edamame) were set + activated, and a small note warned visitors not to touch them. Luckily no one did. Knowing they are activated is an important part of the work for me - this gives them a tension. They're almost invisible, but dangerous. Or perhaps just cheeky.