Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mid year report from Judy

This project began as an interest in food systems, the toxic environment, waste and our relationship with nature; the work has potential to be more political or a protest. The most recent work consists of a range of experimenting with a body of printmaking and watercolour images developed from x-rayed fruit and vegetables. As discussed this work can be extended, through experimenting by printing onto a range of surfaces, plastics, cardboard (boxes) metals, plastic bags - the very materials which are problematic in the environment, using this waste and toxic material to highlight the problem. 

The x-ray forms have subtle and compelling details,cellular structures and translucency for example, try isolating forms by enlarging or heightening these qualities.  Inherent are ideas of seeing -through (X-Ray Vision Glasses from comic books) - science fiction opportunities? The X-ray reveals the internal structure we can see the invisible in day glo colour, hot and radiated. Suggest reading COLOUR essays on colour, MIT and Whitechapel Press, also David Bachelor CHROMOPHOBIA.

The mechanics of the scanning and x-raying processes suggests motion, machinery panning over ‘reading’ and translating the form, is could be an opportunity for a moving image component- the conveyer belt and the shop counter for example.

You have said the attention to research through art making is important as process serves the idea,
how is this evident in your work so far? Could there be other photographic outcomes for example photograms, scanning and photocopying objects.
There is a strong relationship here between science and art, seeing the invisible and exposing the visible, research this cross over with Art and Science also ideas around the liminal - as a threshold where images become ambiguous and more sensory.

Research is broad around food and environmental issues and artists references in your blog, you may need more critical research, check out the 2015 Venice Biennale, All our Futures for writings round these ideas. 

A good report,thoughtful and useful as a mid point progression.