Monday, November 9, 2015


Table of contents 

The links on this page are organised 
-first by the nature of the posts (artist research, general research, and 'research through making')
-then in chronological order, from oldest to newest

Bold links are more relevant, in hindsight.

Art-related research:

15/11/14 Van Gogh 'Turbulence' video
25/2/15 'Sustainability has become a growing focus of artists' (and art schools') attention' Huffington Post
4/3/15 Art New Zealand: 'Watercolorists Travel Light' Marita Hewitt (contemporary NZ painter)
5/3/15 Michael Wolf (contemporary photographer)
6/3/15 Groupe F 'Skin of Fire, and my thoughts on 'spectacle', and the effectiveness of different media
8/3/15 David Shrigley (contemporary NZ artist) and the dark power of humour
18/3/15 Sculpture on the Gulf - Waiheke
21/3/15 Fruit and veggie comics
21/3/15 Auckland Lantern Festival
21/3/15 Botanical illustrations - used as references
21/3/15 Damien Hirst (contemporary installation artist), and some key writings about food politics / religion / agriculture
21/3/15 'Paint before you Plant' workshop
21/3/15 'Preservation' by Blake Little (contemporary photographer)
21/3/15 Marcel Odenbach (contemporary collage)
21/3/15 Dwyer Kilcollins (contemporary sculptor) - similar to wild beehives
21/3/15 Kara Walker (contemporary installation artist)
31/3/15 Monica Ramos (illustrator): a single lady's shopping list
31/3/15 Te Uru gallery: Will Ngakuru, Rachel Bell, Fred Harrison and Tracey Tawhaio
3/4/15 Peter Doig (contemporary painter)
3/4/15 Bettina Van Haaren (contemporary painter/printmaker)
3/4/15 Jenny Saville (contemporary painter)
11/4/15 Chiara Lecca (contemporary sculptor)
20/4/15 Leigh Clarke (contemporary sculptor / printmaker)
22/4/15 Michio Kon (contemporary photographer)
22/4/15 Brock Davis (contemporary designer / photographer)
22/4/15 Karsten Wegener (contemporary food photographer)
22/4/15 Miles Aldridge (contemporary photographer)
22/4/15 'Ingestion' series - Nate Larson (contemporary photographer)
22/4/15 'Food: Art for the World' exhibition 
23/4/15 The Art of Making a Book (video)
4/5/15 Paul Noble (contemporary artist - drawing)
14/5/15 Aubrey Beardsley (printmaker)
20/5/15 Daniel Spoerri
20/5/15 Lernert and Sander: Contemporary food design & photography
20/5/15 More from Lernert & Sander
20/5/15 Michael Hight (contemporary NZ painter)
20/5/15 Luise Fong (contemporary NZ painter/printmaker)
20/5/15 'Contraband Room' by Taryn Simon (contemporary photographer)
31/5/15 Peter Coffin - flying fruit x rays (contemporary video / installation artist)
1/5/16 'Taide' - Finnish contemporary art magazine, artists working with food
3/6/15 Barbara Tuck (contemporary NZ painter): Orients and Mortals
3/6/15 More works by Barbara Tuck (contemporary NZ painter)
13/6/15 Jacqueline Fahey (contemporary NZ painter)
16/7/15 Klaus Pichler (contemporary photographer)
27/7/15 Lara Favaretto (contemporary installation artist): Gummo IV
31/7/15 Ben Young (contemporary sculptor)
1/8/15 Riukuse Fukahori (contemporary painter/sculptor)
1/8/15 Marilene Oliver (contemporary printmaker/sculptor)
4/8/15 Sam Van Aken: A tree that grows 40 different kinds of fruit
5/8/15 Artists working with conveyors: Emily Jacir, Aaron Flint Jamieson, Gabriel Lester, Christine Wong Yap
6/8/15 'Food Player: Design with Taste' essay
6/8/15 Jakub Geltner (contemporary installation artist)
9/8/15 'The Twenty First Century Art Book' scans: various artists
14/8/15 Henry Gargreeves (contemporary photographer)
27/8/15 'Yes Naturally: How Art Saves the World' scans
10/10/15 Walter Benjamin: 'The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction'
18/10/15 Fiona Pardington (contemporary NZ photographer)
18/10/15 Simon Denny (contemporary NZ installation artist)
20/10/15 Brendan Fitzpatrick (contemporary photographer)
20/10/15 Aparna Rao (contemporary installation artist)
22/10/15 Simon Ingram (contemporary NZ painter / installation artist)

Inspiration from Europe trip:

25/2/15 Claire Tabouret (contemporary painter)
25/2/15 Benjamin Chasselon (contemporary painter)
1/3/15 Pierre Bonnard, and several paintings at the Louvre
1/3/15 Yves Wacheaux (contemporary painter)
3/3/15 Jean Helion and Pegeen Vail Guggenheim (printmakers); Manet
3/3/15 Fresco

General research (not specifically art related; exploring wider themes) 

22/11/14 'Can Climate Change Cure Capitalism?' Elizabeth Colbert
24/11/14 'Talk to the Animals: Are you guilty of animal cruelty?' NZ Herald
27/11/14 'Everything you do is unethical, so get off your high horse already' Vice
5/3/15 'Hot Air' documentary about coal and climate change in NZ
8/3/15 'Dog Food' short film 
12/3/15 Satellite images of NZ farmland
12/3/15 Striking images of factory chimneys
14/3/15 'From Excuse-itarian to Vegan' lecture - video
14/3/15 'Animal Research is Hazardous Waste'
16/3/15 'What We Eat Affects Future Generations' NZ Herald
18/3/15 Image of beehives at Waitaramoa Reserve
21/3/15 Stock image of fruit picker
21/3/15 Research regarding disposable coffee pods
21/3/15 Toxic Fruit Packaging
21/3/15 Petition: ban bee-killing pesticides
21/3/15 'Story of Solutions' video
21/3/15 'Cancer warning on 3 pesticides - UN' NZ Herald
29/3/15 'How to talk about climate change so people will listen' The Atlantic
31/3/15 'Pesticides Could Halve Sperm Count'
31/3/15 'Principles of City Land Values' - thinking about analogies
3/4/15 'The Taniwha of the Tarawera' - Russel Norman on river pollution
3/4/15 'Unpure New Zealand' - photos of livestock around waterways
3/4/15 Photograph of cyanobacteria bloom in a Californian river
3/4/15 'Can your grocery shop really save the world?' Green MP Sue Kedgely
3/4/15 'The Ethics of What We Eat' e-book 
3/4/15 'Make-up tests on animals banned'
3/4/15 Happy Easter: 'Germany aims for chicken sexing in the egg by 2016'
6/4/15 'Love Food Hate Waste' - plus some thoughts on food waste and responsibility
6/4/15 'Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables' - French initiative to reduce food waste and encourage fresh produce consumption
6/4/15  'Talk to the Animals' the great easter bunny hunt / Hells rabbit pizza controversy
11/4/15 Are almonds that bad?
12/4/15 Temple Grandin (movie, TED talk)
12/4/15 'Coke Life' and 'green' food labelling
18/4/15 'National Identity in a Global Political Economy' - investigating NZ's 'clean green' image
21/4/15 'The Daily Show takes on Monsanto' video
21/4/15 'Cancer: Prevention is better than cure' Organic NZ
21/4/15 Assorted research: Papatuanuku & Gaia; Veganism and feminism; Call for plastic bags to be banned; Millenials - a food-obsessed generation
22/4/15 Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
27/4/15 Go Green Expo: information overload
28/4/15 I smell a rat - The Seralini Controversy
28/4/15 political cartoon
28/4/15 General 'food/health' imagery from Pinterest
28/4/15 Educational Posters
20/5/15 Aerial perspective in food photography
20/5/15 'That Sugar Film'
24/5/15 The Politics of Food Blogging: a rant about food on the internet
31/5/15 Food Waste
8/6/15 cover art from Listener 
22/6/15 'Genetic Modification: The Flip Side' video
8/7/15 A clever billboard - animal testing
17/7/15 Several articles on the connection between sustainability and health/diet
4/8/15 'Peganism'
5/8/15 New Scientist: 'Time for a new act'
8/8/15 Body Worlds exhibition
8/8/15 Vegetables grown in space: NASA's International Space Station
20/8/15 'Floral Radiography' - medical journal article
26/8/15 'Animate and inanimate worlds' - Stuff Matters
29/8/15 'Analogue Slices' - amazing video of animated MRIs
30/8/15 'This Changes Everything' movie trailer
5/9/15 Development 713: the Food Systems course I'm crashing
7/9/15 'It's Not Climate Change, It's Everything Change' by Margaret Atwood, and an article about global food distribution

"Making research," in sections:

1) Experimental beginnings (2 February - 28 April)

25/2/15 Honours Project Proposal
14/3/15 A note on documentation 
14/3/15 Drawings + writing about dairy industry
14/3/15 Vet Butcher drawing
14/3/15 Lucerne etchings with drawings
14/3/15 Lucerne etchings with drawings 2
14/3/15 Watercolour drawings: pests and kiwifruit
14/3/15 River painting (wip)
19/3/15 Laser cutting honeycomb (wip)
19/3/15 Edition of 12 mini prints - bees 
19/3/15 My works in the Elam International Printmaking Workshop exhibition, George Fraser
21/3/15 'Domaine' painting, and notes on experiences of 'agriculture' in Geneva
29/3/15 More watercolour drawings: pests and kiwifruit
29/3/15 First attempt at aquatint etching
29/3/15 'Garden Fresh' copper etching
29/3/15 Chicken plant sketch
31/3/15 'Pick Me' watercolour drawing
31/3/15 River painting - oils
4/3/15 playing with false colours in found satellite image
11/4/15 'Animal or the Food' - completed chicken plant drawing
11/4/15 Watercolour drawing: Dog
11/4/15 River painting - acrylics
12/4/15 In which I start to think about transparency and layering
16/4/15 Notes on moving this blog from Tumblr to Blogger
18/4/15 Drawing: livestock emissions
26/4/15 Honeycomb paper
26/4/15 'Decisions' - dominoes game, first incarnation
27/4/15 'Decisions' additional info (wip)
27/4/15 'Decisions' - dominoes game, final outcome
27/4/15 Bee stamps
27/4/15 watercolours, handmade paper and word play
28/4/15 Lisa's summary of my first crit

2) X rays: first incarnation (1 May - 7 June)

1/5/15 The first X ray images ("This project just got real")
4/5/15 Behind the scenes of making the x-rays at Mercy Radiology
4/5/15 Customs Security X-ray images
4/5/15 Behind the scenes of making the Customs Security images, and additional material
4/5/15 Using photoshop to colorise high-res x-rays
11/5/15 Coke Life photo manipulation 
14/5/15 Painting: layers colour-coded by medium
17/5/15 Design for x-ray grocery bags
31/5/15 A pause
31/5/15 Test screen prints 
31/5/15 Final 2 screen prints for cross-supervision crit (also here)
31/5/15 Grocery bag outcome
3/6/15 Tori's notes taken from my cross-supervision crit
7/6/15 Mid-Year Progress Report (draft)

3) Painting (8 June - 14 July)

8/6/15 GMO rats: watercolour sketch
6/7/15 'Bio In Security' watercolour painting
7/7/15 'Have you ever seen such a thing in your life' watercolour painting
7/7/15 'The Colonel' watercolour painting
7/7/15 'For One' watercolour painting
8/7/15 'Oma, oma, oma' paper sculpture
8/7/15 Working notes for 'Oma, oma, oma'
8/7/15 Working notes for 'Have you ever seen such a thing in your life'
12/7/15 Embossing test
14/7/15 Notes: 'Is food art?'
14/7/15 Mid year report from Judy

4) Printing on alternative surfaces (8 June - 9 November)

8/6/15 Print on re-usable beeswax wrap
14/7/15 Printing on mouse/rat traps (wip)
24/7/15 Mouse and rat traps continued (wip)
6/8/15 Edamame pattern - prints on paper
8/8/15 Rabbit bodies (wip)
14/8/15 Petri Dishes - version 2
14/8/15 Fruit Boxes
14/8/15 Fruit boxes - scanned
14/8/15 Scanned cross-sections of fruits
21/8/15 Animation tests
21/8/15 Corn printed on acrylic
21/8/15 Screen printing onto vinyl (wip)
23/8/15 Grape Spiders - screen print
23/8/15 Professional printing onto vinyl
23/8/15 More fruit boxes
23/8/15 Prints in petri dishes
23/8/15 More petri dish experimentation
5/9/15 WIP: metal work and electronics
7/9/15 WIP: test install of fruit box prints
7/9/15 Installation for Visiting Crit (with Lisa Reihana)
7/9/15 Notes from crit with Lisa Reihana
7/9/15 Petri dish presentation (wip)
7/9/15 Test for scrolling images (video)
7/9/15 Back for more x-rays
7/9/15 Test for installation (video)
7/10/15 Colour schemes
8/10/15 Notes on abstract writing
8/10/15 Presentation ideas for large conveyor belt
8/10/15 Another idea for large conveyor
9/10/15 Welding metal brackets (wip)
11/10/15 Large prints on paper 1/3
11/10/15 Large prints on paper 2/3
11/10/15 Large prints on paper 3/3
11/10/15 Large prints on paper - black and white
16/10/15 Installation for final crit
27/10/15 Flag idea
2/11/15 Edamame (test prints)
3/11/15 'Arrivals' - screen print on paper
6/11/15 'Arrivals' - WIP
7/11/15 Final installation WIP images/video
8/11/15 Final installation notes: 'Mass Produce'
8/11/15 Final installation notes: 'Sweet Deal'